- 학력 - 서울대에서 언어학 학사 서양고전학(협동과정) 석사(「헤시오도스의 『신통기』에 나타난 호메로스의 수용과 변용 연구」) 독일 괴팅엔 대학 「알렉산드로스 누메니우의 ?단어-의미 문채론』」 박사. 서울대 인문학연구원 HK교수
- 저서 - 키케로의 『수사학』(비판정본-주해서), 도서출판 길, 2006), Hagiographica Coreana II(비판정본, Pisa: Pacini-editore, 2012), 『로마의 문법학자들』(비판정본-주해서, 한길사, 2013), 『인문의 재발견』(저서, 논형, 2014), Rhetorical Arguments(공저, OLMS, 2016), 『고전의 힘』(공저, 현암사, 2016), Hagiographica Coreana III(비판정본, Pisa: Pacini-editore, 2017), Receptions of Greek and Roman Antiquity in East Asia(공저, Brill, 2018) <원천으로 가는 길> 논형 2019. <인토르체타의 라친어 중용> 논형 2020. (보절면지> 논형 2020. <인문정신이란 무엇인가?> 길. 2021. <안테네 판데믹> 이른비. 2021. 등
- 논문 - 「교황 요한 22세가 보낸 편지에 나오는 Regi Corum은 고려의 충숙왕인가」(『교회사학』 11, 2016) 「Humanitas! 보편이념이가 제국이념인가?」(『서양고대사연구』, 2016), On Xiguo Jifa(『西國記法)』) of Matteo Ricci (1552-1610)(『서양고전학연구』, 2017), Cicero’s Rhetoric vs. Baumgarten’s Aesthetics: A small comparison of decorum of Cicero with magnitudo of Baumgraten(JALS, 2018) 등
1. Vita Born 08. 02. 1968 at Namwon in South Korea. Dissertation 2004 in Goettingen university Research Professor in the Seoul National University (since 2007. 11-2017.09) Research Fellow at Institute of classical studies in Seoul National University (2016.05 ~2019.11 ) Associate Professor for Western Classical Philology/ Institute of Humanities/ Seoul National University(2018.09~)
2. Reseach Ancient Rhetoric of Western Civilization Ancient Litarature history of Western Civilization Encounter History between Civilizations Translation and Rexeption-history of classical texts between Eastern and Western Civilization History of Classical Scholarship. Comparative Studies between Asia and Europe.
3. Project (now) Cicero-Studies. (2004~). Coupplet-Confuicius (critical edition with comm. & trans.) (2012~) Hagiographia Coreana(2010~) History of ancient figure study (Caecilius-Tradition). Humanitas and Paideia study(2011~2014) Nestorian-Inscript in Sinan(Critical edition) (2013~2016) Minglitam-study: the chinese translation of Aristotle’s Category (2015~2018) SeBa(Seoul-Baku): Korean-Azerbeizan cultural exchange: Archaeological Excavation of Quabbala(2013~) Roma-Sinica (2017~) The research for the reception history for Aristotle’s philosphy in Asia, granted from National Research Foundatation of Korea (2019-2024)
4. Editorial working The Journal of Greco-Roman Studies (since 2006-) Gyujanggak (The Journal for Koran-philology in Seoul National University) (since 2007-) Susahak(The Journal for Korean Rhetoric society) (Since 2013-) R0ma-Sinica (De Gruyter) (Since 2019~)
5. Membership Der Vereins der Göttinger Freunde der antiken Literatur The Korean Society of Greco-Roman Studies The Rhetoric Society of Korea SIAC (International Society of Cicero’s Friends) ISHR (International Society of History of Rhetoric)
6. Publication 6.1. Monography - Alexandri de figuris sententiarum et verborum (E-text), ed. Ahn Jaewon, Bib. Göttingen (URL: http://www.sub.uni-goettingen.de/ebene_1/diss/dissphilo.html) (German) - Cicero, Partitiones oratoriae, ed. & übers. (with Comm.), Ahn Jaewon, Ghil, Seoul 2006. (Korean) - Suetonii De Grammaticis, (ed.& trans.) Ahn Jaewon, Seoul 2013.: on this, see the review of Kim Chil-Sung in The Journal of Classical Studies 35, 2013) (Korean) - <인문의 재발견(Inmuneu Jaebalgyun=Rediscovery of Humantas)>, <Nonhyong> 2014. (Korean) - <동서양을 만든 고전의 힘 (Power of Classics that made civilizations)> <HyenAmsa> (Korean).2016. - <원천으로 가는 길 (via ad fontem!) (NonHeung Publishing Company).2019. (Korean) -<위대한 중국학자> (Korean translation of Incense at the Altar of D.B. Honey). 2018. -<아테네 판데믹> (On Athenian Pandemic)(Irbi) 2021 -<인토르체타의 라틴어 중용>(Intorcetta: De medio sempiterno)(Nonhyung). 2020. - 6.2. Co-authorship - On Cicero, in For understanding of Eastern and Western Classics, KNU Press. Seoul 2011. (Korean) - Quintilianus, in Seoyanggodaeinmul-sa (Biographies of excellent men in Greek and Rome), Ghil, Seoul 2006, 792-811. (Korean) - Hagiographica Coreana II, (ed. & Intro.) Ahn Jaewon, Pisa: Pacinieditore 2012. (English) - Hagiographica Coreana III (ed. & Intro.) Ahn Jaewon, Pisa: Pacinieditore 2018. (English) - Cicero’s idea on ius civile: focusing on Partitiones oratoriae, in Rhetorical Arguments, ed. P. Chiron at alii, OLMS, 2015. (English) -<아이네이스>에 그려진 제국로마와 황제 아우구스투스(=Augustus in Aeneid), On Augustus, 책과함께(=cum libris), 2016. (Korean) -<고전학의 새로운 모색> (A new perspective for Korean Classical Studies). 2018. Ahn, Jaewon. “A Brief Report on Classical Scholarship in Korea, Focusing on Literature.” In Almut-Barbara Renger, ed. Greek and Roman Culture in East Asia: Transfer and Reception. Leiden: Brill. (English). 2018. Ahn, Jungkeun, For the peace of Asia, (critical edition with Korean translation). 2019. Cicero and Confucius, Roma-Sinica series 1. De Gruyter, 2019. <안응칠 역사>(Autobiography of Ahn Jungkeun). 2020. <보절면지> (History of Bojeo). (Nuonhyung). 2020 <인문정신이란 무엇인가? (What is humanity?)> Gil. 2021
6.2. Articles. 2021 Pericles was Heracles Furens? Dargusahak. 145. 2020. (Korean) A critical edition of Bouvet’s epistle(BN. MS. Fr. 17239 35r-38r). The History of Korean Catholic Church 18. 2020. (Korean) The Advent of studio and Intellectuals in the Renaissance. Inmunnonchong. 78-2. 2021
2020. Angelo Zottoli’s Observation on Enthymematic Features in Chinese Texts. Rhetorica 38-3. 2020. De ratione communi omnium linguarum et literarum commentarius Theodori Bibliandri. Inmunnonchong. 77-3. 2020. (Korean) Latina in Corea, Itineria 20. 2020
2019. On Regis’ Latin translation of Y-King, The 2018 Korean Journal of Distinguished Papers of Chinese Language and Literature. 2019. 149-182. On Roman Historiography, in The Journal of Korean History Education 149. 127. (Korean)
2018. - Cicero’s Rhetoric vs. Baumgarten’s Aethetics, in Journal of Literature and Art 8. 1674-1681. -On Regis’ Latin translation of Y-King, in The Journal of Chinese Language and Literature 95. 99-125. (Korean) -On Brevis Relatio Sinarum, in The Journal of the History of Korean Catholic Church 15. 97-125. (Korean)
2017. - On Xiguo Jifa (『西國記法』) of Matteo Ricci (1552-1610), The Journal of Greco-Romans studies, 56-3, 2017 (English) - Books from Europe to China and Books from China to Europe in 17th~18th centuries, Chinese Litereture 93. 2017 (Korean) - German Philology in Asia, The Journal of Greco-Roman Studies, 56-1 2017 (Korean)
2016. - On Roman Humanities, Is it a Universal idea or Imperial one? Horizons 7-2, 2016(English) -Is Humanitas a Universal Idea or an Imperial One?, in The Journal of Western Ancient History 45, 2016. pp. 183-221. (Korean) - Can Rex Corum in the epistole of Pope John 22 be King Chungsuk of Goryeo? The Journal of Suwon Church History 13, 2016. (Korean) - Mencius Ren vs. Cicero’s Humanitas, Littera Copernicana (forthcoming 2019). (English) 2015. -Why made Intorcetta translate Zhōng yōng(中庸, Doctrine of Mean) into Latin?, in Research Journal of Catholic Church History 12, 2015. pp. 5-42( Korean) -Another Reason to Learn Latin, in The Journal of Greco-Roman studies 54-2, 2015. pp. 85-103 (English) - On the beginning and development of Encyclo paedeia, in The Journal of Greco-Roman studies 54-3, 2015. pp. 147-189 (Korean) - Another perspective on Bellum Corai, in Horizons 6-1, 2015. (English)
2014. - Where is Koulun? in Acta Eurasiatica 2, 2014. (English) - On the relationship between Congregatio Riti Processi (4858, 4859 and 5279) and Korean - Martyrs Testimony in the years of 1839-46, in Research Journal of Catholic Church History 11, 2014. pp. 35-94 (Korean) -How did Christian Wolff read Confucius Sinarum Philosophus? in Heft 13, 2014. pp. 159-202. (Korean) - Ptolemaeus Sinicus et Coreanus’ parallel to ‘Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus, in Horizons 5-1, 2014. pp. 1-20 (English) - Jasca! For what? in JASCA 2, 2014. pp. 176-179. (English)
2013. - Humanitas in the late Republican Age: Focusing on Cicero's De oratore, in Horizons 4-2, 2013. pp. 183-212. (English) - On Quintilian’s establishing the Classics of ancient Greece and Rome: focusing on the idea of ordo,in Huminities 23, Je Ju University. 2013. 08 (Korean) - Cicero in Baumgarten: focusing on Baumgarten’s Aesthetica, Mi Hak(The Journal of Aesthetic of Korean Society) 2013. 06 (Korean) - Imago mundi in Vergil’s Aeneas, in Seo Yang Sa yeon Ku (The Journal of the studies for Western History), 2013. 05 (Korean)
2012. - Some observations on Philippe Couplet(1623-1693)’s understanding of Confucius’ Natura(性), in Journal of Humanities 68, Seoul 2012. (Korean) - Why is critical edition urgent in Korean Studies, Jeong- Sin-Mun Hwa 35.3, Seoul 2012. - Some observations on Philippe Couplet(1632-1693)’s reading of Ye Kim(易經): focusing on his Latin translation of the Kienfigure(謙掛), in Journal of Humanities 67, Seoul 2012. (Korean) - Adam Schall, Shunzhi Emperor and Sohyun Prince, in Human Beings, Environment and Their Future 8, Seoul 2012. (Korean) - Cicero’s humanitas in forensic Speech: focusing on Pro Roscio Amerino. in Classica Revista 22, Brazil 2012. (English)
2011. - Zur rhetorischen Analyse der Christianae Religionis Apologia (Sangjaesanseo) von Cheong Ha-Sang, Hagiographia, Siena 2011. 10. (German) - ANONYMI CHRISTIANI TRACTATUS DE FIGURIS SENTENTIARUM ET VERBORUM (NOTA MARGINALIS IN PARIS. 1741), BICS v.54-1, London 2011. 05 ((English) - Musa, Camena and Seiren (Korean), IEFS 6, Inje University, 2011.03 (Korean) - Phaeton in Ovid’s Metamorphoses (Korean), The Journal of Greco-Romans Studies 43, 2011. 03 (Korean)
2010. - On Cicero’s Status-Theory, Laws 49, SNU, 2010. 06(Korean) - A Comparative Research on Cicero's orator perfectus and Confucius' rex perfectus, Papers on Rhetoric 11, Bologna, 2010 05 (English) - Cicero's humanitas and the idea of ars perfecta, NZACT 37-1, Wellington, 2010.03. (English) - Ars and humanitas in Cicero, The Journal of Greco-Romans Studies 39, 2010, 03 (Korean)
2009. - Eine vergleichende Bemerkung zur Ps. Longinus; Figurenlehre, Philologika, Tokyo 2009. 05 (German) - A Comparative Analysis of Varro’s Analogia with that of Saussure, Linguistics 35, 2009 05 (Korean) - Anomalia and analogia in Varro, The Journal of Greco-Romans Studies 37, 2009 03 (Korean)
2008. - A short synopsis on philological methodology of classical scholarship, Gyujanggak 32, Seoul 2008, 257-282 (Korean)
2007. - Eine vergleichende Untersuchung von Ps. Longinus’ De Sublimitate und Yu-Heobs 19) Munsimzoryoung (文心雕龍, in Deutsch), The Journal of Greco-Roman Studies 31, Seoul 2007, 105-204 (German)
2006. - Über den Thesaurus Linguae Latinae, The Journal of Greco-Roman Studies 31, Seoul 2006, 357-402 (Korean) - About the importance of Parvum Vocabularium Latino-Coreanum, Han-guk Sajeon hakhoi 7, Seoul 2006, 7-34 (Korean)
2005. - A study on Ps. Longinus’ view about the figure-problem, Korean Journal of Rhetoric 3, Seoul 2005(Korean) - A study on the relation between rhetoric and logic in Cicero, Journal of Human Studies 10, Seoul 2005 (Korean)
2003. - “Orator perfectus” in ancient Rome, The Journal of Greco-Roman Studies 20, Seoul 2003 (Korean) - Ars grammatica of Dionysios Thrax, The Journal of Korean Linguistics 35, Seoul 2003 (Korean)
6.3 Articles in Newspapers and Reviews.
Quo vadis? series (bi-weekly) (KyungHyang Newspaper; 01.07. 2016~) http://news.khan.co.kr/kh_news/khan_art_view.html?code=210100&artid=201607082101005 http://news.khan.co.kr/kh_news/khan_art_view.html?code=960205&artid=201607221905005 etc.
Book Review series (monthly) (Kyosu Newspaper(=Newspaper for Professor, 2015~) http://www.kyosu.net/news/articleView.html?idxno=32650 etc.
Stephen Greenblatt, The Swerve: How the World became modern, trans. Lee Hee-Won, Kachi-sa, 2013: www.aporia.co.kr Dimitri Gutas, Greek Thought, Arab Culture, trans. Jeong Youngmok, Keul Hang-a-ri, 2012. etc.
The encounter between East and West(monthly), Lemonde (Korean version).