HK교수 HK Faculty

안재원AHN Jae won

HK 교수 HK Professor

137-2동 513호


독일 괴팅엔 대학교 서양고전문헌학 박사

서울대학교 협동과정 서양고전학 석사

서울대학교 언어학 학사

작성자 Level 10
첨부파일hk_안재원.jpg (23.7KB)
직위HK 교수
HK Professor
약력사항1독일 괴팅엔 대학교 서양고전문헌학 박사
약력사항2서울대학교 협동과정 서양고전학 석사
약력사항3서울대학교 언어학 학사

- 학력 -

서울대에서 언어학 학사 

서양고전학(협동과정) 석사(「헤시오도스의 『신통기』에 나타난 호메로스의 수용과 변용 연구」) 

독일 괴팅엔 대학 「알렉산드로스 누메니우의 ?단어-의미 문채론』」 박사. 

서울대 인문학연구원 HK교수

- 저서 -

키케로의 『수사학』(비판정본-주해서), 도서출판 길, 2006), 

Hagiographica Coreana II(비판정본, Pisa: Pacini-editore, 2012), 

『로마의 문법학자들』(비판정본-주해서, 한길사, 2013), 

『인문의 재발견』(저서, 논형, 2014), 

Rhetorical Arguments(공저, OLMS, 2016), 『고전의 힘』(공저, 현암사, 2016), 

Hagiographica Coreana III(비판정본, Pisa: Pacini-editore, 2017), 

Receptions of Greek and Roman Antiquity in East Asia(공저, Brill, 2018)

<원천으로 가는 길> 논형 2019.

<인토르체타의 라친어 중용> 논형 2020. 

(보절면지> 논형 2020.

<인문정신이란 무엇인가?> 길. 2021.

<안테네 판데믹> 이른비. 2021.

- 논문 -

「교황 요한 22세가 보낸 편지에 나오는 Regi Corum은 고려의 충숙왕인가」(『교회사학』 11, 2016)

「Humanitas! 보편이념이가 제국이념인가?」(『서양고대사연구』, 2016), 

On Xiguo Jifa(『西國記法)』) of Matteo Ricci (1552-1610)(『서양고전학연구』, 2017), 

Cicero’s Rhetoric vs. Baumgarten’s Aesthetics: A small comparison of decorum of Cicero with magnitudo of Baumgraten(JALS, 2018) 


1. Vita 

Born 08. 02. 1968 at Namwon in South Korea. 

Dissertation 2004 in Goettingen university

Research Professor in the Seoul National University (since 2007. 11-2017.09)

Research Fellow at Institute of classical studies in Seoul National University (2016.05 ~2019.11 )

Associate Professor for Western Classical Philology/ Institute of Humanities/ Seoul National University(2018.09~) 

2. Reseach    

Ancient Rhetoric of Western Civilization 

Ancient Litarature history of Western Civilization

Encounter History between Civilizations

Translation and Rexeption-history of classical texts between Eastern and Western Civilization

History of Classical Scholarship. 

Comparative Studies between Asia and Europe.

3. Project (now)

Cicero-Studies. (2004~).

Coupplet-Confuicius (critical edition with comm. & trans.) (2012~)

Hagiographia Coreana(2010~) 

History of ancient figure study (Caecilius-Tradition). 

Humanitas and Paideia study(2011~2014)

Nestorian-Inscript in Sinan(Critical edition) (2013~2016)

Minglitam-study: the chinese translation of Aristotle’s Category (2015~2018)

SeBa(Seoul-Baku): Korean-Azerbeizan cultural exchange: Archaeological Excavation of Quabbala(2013~)

Roma-Sinica (2017~)

The research for the reception history for Aristotle’s philosphy in Asia, granted from National Research Foundatation of Korea (2019-2024) 

4. Editorial working 

The Journal of Greco-Roman Studies (since 2006-)

Gyujanggak (The Journal for Koran-philology in Seoul National University) (since 2007-)

Susahak(The Journal for Korean Rhetoric society) (Since 2013-)

R0ma-Sinica (De Gruyter) (Since 2019~) 

5. Membership 

Der Vereins der Göttinger Freunde der antiken Literatur

The Korean Society of Greco-Roman Studies

The Rhetoric Society of Korea 

SIAC (International Society of Cicero’s Friends) 

ISHR (International Society of History of Rhetoric)

6. Publication 

6.1. Monography

- Alexandri de figuris sententiarum et verborum (E-text), ed. Ahn Jaewon, Bib. Göttingen

(URL: (German)

- Cicero, Partitiones oratoriae, ed. & übers. (with Comm.), Ahn Jaewon, Ghil, Seoul 2006. (Korean)   

- Suetonii De Grammaticis, (ed.& trans.) Ahn Jaewon, Seoul 2013.: on this, see the review of Kim Chil-Sung in The Journal of Classical Studies 35, 2013) (Korean) 

- <인문의 재발견(Inmuneu Jaebalgyun=Rediscovery of Humantas)>, <Nonhyong> 2014. (Korean)

- <동서양을 만든 고전의 힘 (Power of Classics that made civilizations)> <HyenAmsa> (Korean).2016.

- <원천으로 가는 길 (via ad fontem!) (NonHeung Publishing Company).2019. (Korean)

-<위대한 중국학자> (Korean translation of Incense at the Altar of D.B. Honey). 2018.

-<아테네 판데믹> (On Athenian Pandemic)(Irbi) 2021

-<인토르체타의 라틴어 중용>(Intorcetta: De medio sempiterno)(Nonhyung). 2020.


6.2. Co-authorship

- On Cicero, in For understanding of Eastern and Western Classics, KNU Press. Seoul 2011. (Korean)

- Quintilianus, in Seoyanggodaeinmul-sa (Biographies of excellent men in Greek and Rome), Ghil, Seoul 2006, 792-811. (Korean)

- Hagiographica Coreana II, (ed. & Intro.) Ahn Jaewon, Pisa: Pacinieditore 2012. (English)

- Hagiographica Coreana III (ed. & Intro.) Ahn Jaewon, Pisa: Pacinieditore 2018. (English)

- Cicero’s idea on ius civile: focusing on Partitiones oratoriae, in Rhetorical Arguments, ed. P. Chiron at alii, OLMS, 2015. (English)

-<아이네이스>에 그려진 제국로마와 황제 아우구스투스(=Augustus in Aeneid), On Augustus, 책과함께(=cum libris), 2016. (Korean)

-<고전학의 새로운 모색> (A new perspective for Korean Classical Studies). 2018.

Ahn, Jaewon. “A Brief Report on Classical Scholarship in Korea, Focusing on Literature.” In Almut-Barbara Renger, ed. Greek and Roman Culture in East Asia: Transfer and Reception. Leiden: Brill. (English). 2018. 

Ahn, Jungkeun, For the peace of Asia, (critical edition with Korean translation). 2019.

Cicero and Confucius, Roma-Sinica series 1. De Gruyter, 2019. 

<안응칠 역사>(Autobiography of Ahn Jungkeun). 2020.

<보절면지> (History of Bojeo). (Nuonhyung). 2020 

<인문정신이란 무엇인가? (What is humanity?)> Gil. 2021

6.2. Articles. 


Pericles was Heracles Furens? Dargusahak. 145. 2020. (Korean)

A critical edition of Bouvet’s epistle(BN. MS. Fr. 17239 35r-38r). The History of Korean Catholic Church 18. 2020. (Korean)

The Advent of studio and Intellectuals in the Renaissance. Inmunnonchong. 78-2. 2021


Angelo Zottoli’s Observation on Enthymematic Features in Chinese Texts. Rhetorica 38-3. 2020.

De ratione communi omnium linguarum et literarum commentarius Theodori Bibliandri. Inmunnonchong. 77-3. 2020. (Korean)

Latina in Corea, Itineria 20. 2020 


On Regis’ Latin translation of Y-King, The 2018 Korean Journal of Distinguished Papers of Chinese Language and Literature. 2019. 149-182. 

On Roman Historiography, in The Journal of Korean History Education 149. 127. (Korean)  


- Cicero’s Rhetoric vs. Baumgarten’s Aethetics, in Journal of Literature and Art 8. 1674-1681.

-On Regis’ Latin translation of Y-King, in The Journal of Chinese Language and Literature 95. 99-125. (Korean)

-On Brevis Relatio Sinarum, in The Journal of the History of Korean Catholic Church 15. 97-125. (Korean)


- On Xiguo Jifa (『西國記法』) of Matteo Ricci (1552-1610), The Journal of Greco-Romans studies, 56-3, 2017 (English)

- Books from Europe to China and Books from China to Europe in 17th~18th centuries, Chinese Litereture 93. 2017 (Korean)

- German Philology in Asia, The Journal of Greco-Roman Studies, 56-1 2017 (Korean) 


- On Roman Humanities, Is it a Universal idea or Imperial one? Horizons 7-2, 2016(English)

-Is Humanitas a Universal Idea or an Imperial One?, in The Journal of Western Ancient History 45, 2016. pp. 183-221. (Korean)

- Can Rex Corum in the epistole of Pope John 22 be King Chungsuk of Goryeo? The Journal of Suwon Church History 13, 2016. (Korean)

- Mencius Ren vs. Cicero’s Humanitas, Littera Copernicana (forthcoming 2019). (English)



-Why made Intorcetta translate Zhōng yōng(中庸, Doctrine of Mean) into Latin?, in Research Journal of Catholic Church History 12, 2015. pp. 5-42( Korean)

-Another Reason to Learn Latin, in The Journal of Greco-Roman studies 54-2, 2015. pp. 85-103 (English)

- On the beginning and development of Encyclo paedeia, in The Journal of Greco-Roman studies 54-3, 2015. pp. 147-189 (Korean)

- Another perspective on Bellum Corai, in Horizons 6-1, 2015. (English)


- Where is Koulun? in Acta Eurasiatica 2, 2014. (English)

- On the relationship between Congregatio Riti Processi (4858, 4859 and 5279) and Korean - Martyrs Testimony in the years of 1839-46, in Research Journal of Catholic Church History 11, 2014. pp. 35-94 (Korean)

-How did Christian Wolff read Confucius Sinarum Philosophus? in Heft 13, 2014. pp. 159-202. (Korean)

- Ptolemaeus Sinicus et Coreanus’ parallel to ‘Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus, in Horizons 5-1, 2014. pp. 1-20 (English)

- Jasca! For what? in JASCA 2, 2014. pp. 176-179. (English)


- Humanitas in the late Republican Age: Focusing on Cicero's De oratore, in Horizons 4-2, 2013. pp. 183-212. (English)

-  On Quintilian’s establishing the Classics of ancient Greece and Rome: focusing on the idea of ordo,in Huminities 23, Je Ju University. 2013. 08 (Korean)

-  Cicero in Baumgarten: focusing on Baumgarten’s Aesthetica, Mi Hak(The Journal of Aesthetic of Korean Society) 2013. 06 (Korean)

-  Imago mundi in Vergil’s Aeneas, in Seo Yang Sa yeon Ku (The Journal of the studies for Western History), 2013. 05 (Korean)


- Some observations on Philippe Couplet(1623-1693)’s understanding of Confucius’ Natura(性), in Journal of Humanities 68, Seoul 2012. (Korean)

-  Why is critical edition urgent in Korean Studies, Jeong- Sin-Mun Hwa 35.3, Seoul 2012. 

-  Some observations on Philippe Couplet(1632-1693)’s reading of Ye Kim(易經): focusing on his Latin translation of the Kienfigure(謙掛), in Journal of Humanities 67, Seoul 2012. (Korean)

-  Adam Schall, Shunzhi Emperor and Sohyun Prince, in Human Beings, Environment and Their Future 8, Seoul 2012. (Korean)

- Cicero’s humanitas in forensic Speech: focusing on Pro Roscio Amerino. in Classica Revista 22, Brazil 2012. (English) 


- Zur rhetorischen Analyse der Christianae Religionis Apologia (Sangjaesanseo) von Cheong Ha-Sang, Hagiographia, Siena 2011. 10. (German)


(NOTA MARGINALIS IN PARIS. 1741), BICS v.54-1, London 2011. 05 ((English)

-  Musa, Camena and Seiren (Korean), IEFS 6, Inje University, 2011.03 (Korean)

-  Phaeton in Ovid’s Metamorphoses (Korean), The Journal of Greco-Romans Studies 43, 2011. 03 (Korean)


-  On Cicero’s Status-Theory, Laws 49, SNU, 2010. 06(Korean)

- A Comparative Research on Cicero's orator perfectus and Confucius' rex perfectus, Papers on Rhetoric 11, Bologna, 2010 05 (English)

- Cicero's humanitas and the idea of ars perfecta, NZACT 37-1, Wellington, 2010.03. (English)

-  Ars and humanitas in Cicero, The Journal of Greco-Romans Studies 39, 2010, 03 (Korean)


-  Eine vergleichende Bemerkung zur Ps. Longinus; Figurenlehre, Philologika, Tokyo 2009. 05 (German)

- A Comparative Analysis of Varro’s Analogia with that of Saussure, Linguistics 35, 2009 05 (Korean)

-  Anomalia and analogia in Varro, The Journal of Greco-Romans Studies 37, 2009 03 (Korean)


- A short synopsis on philological methodology of classical scholarship, Gyujanggak 32, Seoul 2008, 257-282 (Korean)


- Eine vergleichende Untersuchung von Ps. Longinus’ De Sublimitate und Yu-Heobs 19) Munsimzoryoung (文心雕龍, in Deutsch), The Journal of Greco-Roman Studies 31, Seoul 2007, 105-204 (German)


- Über den Thesaurus Linguae Latinae, The Journal of Greco-Roman Studies 31, Seoul 2006, 357-402 (Korean)

- About the importance of Parvum Vocabularium Latino-Coreanum, Han-guk Sajeon hakhoi 7, Seoul 2006, 7-34 (Korean)


- A study on Ps. Longinus’ view about the figure-problem, Korean Journal of Rhetoric 3, Seoul 2005(Korean)

- A study on the relation between rhetoric and logic in Cicero, Journal of Human Studies 10, Seoul 2005 (Korean)


- “Orator perfectus” in ancient Rome, The Journal of Greco-Roman Studies 20, Seoul 2003 (Korean)

-  Ars grammatica of Dionysios Thrax, The Journal of Korean Linguistics 35, Seoul 2003 (Korean)

6.3 Articles in Newspapers and Reviews. 

Quo vadis? series (bi-weekly) (KyungHyang Newspaper; 01.07. 2016~)


Book Review series (monthly) (Kyosu Newspaper(=Newspaper for Professor, 2015~)


Stephen Greenblatt, The Swerve: How the World became modern, trans. Lee Hee-Won, Kachi-sa, 2013:

Dimitri Gutas, Greek Thought, Arab Culture, trans. Jeong Youngmok, Keul Hang-a-ri, 2012. 


The encounter between East and West(monthly), Lemonde (Korean version).