연구원 Fellows

유종윤Yoo, Jong Yoon

선임연구원 Researcher

137-2동 516호


Ph.D. in German Literature, University of Siegen, Germany, 2018

서울대학교 독어독문학 석사 M.A. in German Language and Literature, Seoul National University, 2005

서울대학교 독어독문학 학사 B.A. in German Language and Literature, Seoul National University, 2002

작성자 Level 10
첨부파일사진_유종윤.jpg (60.7KB)
약력사항1Ph.D. in German Literature, University of Siegen, Germany, 2018
약력사항2서울대학교 독어독문학 석사
M.A. in German Language and Literature, Seoul National University, 2005
약력사항3서울대학교 독어독문학 학사
B.A. in German Language and Literature, Seoul National University, 2002

전공 분야는 현대 독일 문학이며, 주요 연구 관심사는 20세기 독일의 유대인 철학자인 발터 벤야민의 매체이론, 문화이론, 역사철학 등이다. 최근에는 그의 사유와 글쓰기의 바탕이 되는 언어이론 글들에 관심을 쏟고 있다. 저서로 Yoo, Jong Yoon: Kritisches Glossar zu medienästhetischen Motiven in Walter Benjamins Passagen-Werk. Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovač 2020 (Studien zur Germanistik Bd. 90) 있다. 

Jong Yoon Yoo specializes in modern German literary studies. His research focuses on media theory, cultural theory, philosophy of history, etc. of Walter Benjamin, a German Jewish philosopher of early twentieth century. He is now paying attention to Benjamin's texts about language theory which form the basis of his thinking and writing. His book, Kritisches Glossar zu medienästhetischen Motiven in Walter Benjamins Passagen-Werk, was published by Verlag Dr. Kovač in 2020.